
Rosario_Roman 72 dpi

ROSARIO “ROSIE” ROMAN is a 36-year civil servant dedicated to serving the general public and working in partnership with other city agencies and community organizations to secure resources on behalf of all clients.

Rosie has been an HPD Shop Steward since 2016, serving on the HPD Health and Safety Committee. She is currently a Manager at Housing Preservation & Development (HPD), assisting displaced households to secure permanent housing. 

Rosie began as a CWA Local 1180 Executive Board Member-at-Large in 2020, a position she still holds. She was an active participant of the Union’s Collective Bargaining Committee, is the Staten Island Community Coordinating Committee Facilitator, the Hispanic Committee Secretary, is a member of the Civil Rights and Equity Committee, People with Disabilities Committee, and Women’s Committee. She is also a member of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) and Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA).

She earned a Master’s Degree in Labor Studies from the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies, and graduated from Cornell University Leadership Institute.